Hey everyone... been quite a while since I have updated my blog .... Here goes another poem .... Anyone who looked at her would definitely realize, Why I fell in love; some would say her smile so beautiful, Some would say it was her pretty eyes, To me it was everything about her; everything made me go crazy for her. I went to her to let her know, About every single feeling I had gone through, Every single thing, every single thing in my face she did throw, My heart did not break, for it was lost in love, hopelessly in love. I knew I had to let it all go, I had to find my heart, really did have to, She did not deserve it, so, Not a little bit did she deserve. That did not mean, my love wasn’t true, It only meant, I was depriving the soul who really deserved it, Time went by and a new heart I grew, Just to look for the one who was really in need, who really was in love with me. It was just about the time I left everything to destiny and moved on, She came back into my life, And a...