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Showing posts from April, 2009

Stiky and Sticky - Summer Bummer

Hey folks.... Kinda late this week with Stiky and Sticky. Thanks to tons of assignments that never seemed to have an end. Read and Enjoy!! P.S: No offense meant to anyone from the UK or the Queen P.P.S: I have to compulsorily put in a P.S or I just cant sleep :P

Of fruity luxuries....

Slurp… lick …slurp……gggulp………mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I was in a state of total bliss a few moments back when I had some yummy watermelon and some honeydew. It was too yummy and fruit after dinner is just too good. Back in India, this was a luxury. Every summer meal of mine was followed by mangoes, apples, watermelons, musk melons (American variants are cantaloupe or honeydew), or any other fruit that can be found in a veggie/fruit shop. All the fruit is placed in a bowl diced and chilled and seeds taken off as the case may apply. Dig a fork deep in or tooth picks or spoons or if I cannot resist the temptation till the forks are at the table or till I get one, just grab and gulp. This I thought was a simple thing and some days I have not bothered to take the bowl and drop it off at the kitchen sink. I just relished the fruit every meal and washed my hands and walked off. Sometimes I even complained, “Oh damn we had the same fruit in the morning. Can’t we have something else now?” Today, I had ...

Stiky and Sticky - Movie Trouble

Here goes another Stiky and Sticky for this week :) Enjoy the strip folks !!!! P.S: No offense meant to any X-Men fans or actors or director or anyone who thinks this might offend someone.... This is for fun :D

Stiky and Sticky - Paranoia in USA?

Hey folks.... Long time since Stiky bugged Sticky and I bugged you :) Here goes. The return of Stiky and Sticky :) P.S: I am now gonna try and make Stiky and Sticky a weekly strip. Watch this blog space for every week's Stiky and Sticky fun :)

Hopelessly in love....

Hey everyone... been quite a while since I have updated my blog .... Here goes another poem .... Anyone who looked at her would definitely realize, Why I fell in love; some would say her smile so beautiful, Some would say it was her pretty eyes, To me it was everything about her; everything made me go crazy for her. I went to her to let her know, About every single feeling I had gone through, Every single thing, every single thing in my face she did throw, My heart did not break, for it was lost in love, hopelessly in love. I knew I had to let it all go, I had to find my heart, really did have to, She did not deserve it, so, Not a little bit did she deserve. That did not mean, my love wasn’t true, It only meant, I was depriving the soul who really deserved it, Time went by and a new heart I grew, Just to look for the one who was really in need, who really was in love with me. It was just about the time I left everything to destiny and moved on, She came back into my life, And a...