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Showing posts from 2013

Through the Looking Glass

    I took a deep breath as I sat down at my window & watched the world go by, Among all the beautiful things in nature I caught a little glimpse of her. I wandered, wandered like a mad man to know who she was... I walked back home lost and alone… still looking for her out the corner of my eye…. It was quite a while but, I sat at the window as if there were a tether. Nights went by and days dawned on.. I sat by the window and stared through the glass. It was a white winter morning I was sipping on my coffee by the window... Like a tiny ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds.. there she came… A sense of cheer surrounded her and she was radiant in the red scarf she wore…  I ran out to talk to her for I wanted to know….  To know her name, where she lived... Where she worked and who she was …I asked her to dinner so…..  Days flew along while I learned about her past… It had no importance, for we looked into time that lay ahead. A fu