My back faced the window at The Brew Room. I was engrossed with a few spreadsheets and documents. My coffee arrived. The girl with a very subtle smile on her face served it and was pleasantly shocked when I said thank you and smiled at her. So much so, I could see a small amount of blood rush to her thin, long and meek face that brought an involuntary smile across it. She turned back and walked away to avoid further eye contact. In some time, the sun, as it went about it's day moved further west and shone through parts of the windows of the coffee shop. The tree cover and the sun rays had a battle of sorts while the shadows played along. I had youtube dishing out AR Rahman's melodies one after the other. I suddenly felt a warmth on my back. A few sneaky rays of sunshine diffused through the gaps in the leaves to make it in and bring new life into my workplace. I took off my earphones, sat there observing the cheerful people around me and the near perfect day. ...
Dreams, Thoughts, Creations, Rants and much more...