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Remains of a Lost Heart - Part 1

Hey y'all... Wadduppppppp?? How are things going? Well here goes - this time around a short story :) May not be really short.... The very fact that I am still writing a lot more could mean its not really short :D ..... Read and leave me your super valuable feedback as always....

Chapter 1 - Now and Then

“I don’t know why, really man, but I can’t get her out of my head”, Arya rambled on and on as Ajay listened intently. “What the freakin’ hell is wrong with you mate? Are you in love with her or what?” asked Ajay. Arya made a weird noise to show he was thinking. Ajay freaked out, “Dude, been 8 full years man, now it’s like you don’t even know who she is or whether she actually likes you.” And he walked to the study table where he found a paper that had a little poem written on it. Ajay read it out aloud,

“I know it’s been long, I know,
I don’t know if it is love,
I just think of her more, every new day,
Her thoughts keep my sanity at bay,
I don’t think this feeling will ever go,
B’cos a single second without her thought, my life hits a new low.
It is still very fresh in my heart, the very first time,
The very first time she spoke, sounded like a chime…
It rang the bells in my head and heart right away,
I knew she was the one for me, and she was the one who was going to stay”

“Dude you are outta your freakin’ mind and trust me this is so not going to work. Don’t behave like a love struck puppy, look at your life, you have a girl right next to you waiting to be with you and you are going to blow her off and go back to a woman you had a ‘crush’ on when you were in your 10th standard? Insane you are….” and mumbling away Ajay walked out of the room and the door closed behind him making a huge noise. Arya just looked at himself in the mirror and buried his face down in the pillow and slept off.


She joined Arya’s class in the 10th standard. Arya was one among the brightest students in the class and she was tough competition to him. Her name was Nisha and she had shifted from one of the Gulf nations to Chennai, where Arya lived. The first time they ever spoke was when she got teased by Arya about her habit of rocking back and forth when she was studying seriously. She gave him an angry glance and just continued studying. They kept fighting all through the day after that. End of the day they somehow knew they would get along well and Arya asked her for her phone number. She gave it to him almost instantly like she was waiting for him to ask. Arya and Nisha became very good friends and spent every moment they could, together. They could be seen together all the time. They did not just ramble on about useless things, they discussed subjects and they grew much better in their academics too. In school no one actually could find anything weird or suspicious about their closeness because they were just great friends who spent a lot of time together and had lots of fun with crap talk and bantering. They spoke about everything under the face of the sun.

Ajay casually dropped in to Arya’s house one evening after school and found a notebook with a pen inside. “Hey is this that boring science assignment that we were supposed to complete?” saying this Ajay opened the book and Arya pounced from his bed and tried to grab the notebook from Ajay’s hand. Ajay withdrew his hand beyond Arya’s reach and started reading,

“She looked at me, she smiled at me,
I am definitely wondering what it could be…
I don’t really know how I feel,
Never felt it before, never for real...
She is very beautiful, she is so cute,
I cannot say a single word I would want to, Her very sight makes me go mute…..
What is happening to me now? What…….
Is this just a start of something bigger? Is this is a start….?!?!”

“Nice poem man. Just out of curiosity, since when did you start writing poems? I know you from the time we were in 6th grade, never seen you write. Is this for someone special?”, asked Ajay and winked at Arya teasingly. Arya took the book from his hand and told him “I started writing poems just half hour back man. Just random and was not meant for anyone in particular. Come on lets go play Need For Speed on the computer. Ill thrash you easily man.” Ajay made a funny noise and said “Blah Blah Blah …. you have been saying that forever now” and patted Arya on his back as he walked towards the computer.

*****************************************End of Chapter 1**************************************

P.S: Bouquets and Brickbats welcome as ever....
P.P.S: Missed writin so long!! :(


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