Well, yet another delayed post. As readers (yes I am being hopeful there are such people ;) ) I hope you really are enjoying this series. Find Part 1 , Part 2 and Part 3 here if you haven't yet read them yet. Chapter 4 - The First Date Again? Arya finished up with the meeting and almost ran out to his cubicle. He had to call her right away to see if he was going to meet her for real. He dialed her number and waited for her to pick up the call. He waited till a sweet and monotonous sounding woman said “The person you’re trying to reach is currently unavailable. Please try again later.” He walked out for lunch with a rather disappointed look on his face. He sent her a couple of messages over lunch and he waited for her to respond. Nisha called an hour later and he picked it up like he was waiting for the phone to ring. He was circling the phone like a vulture prying on a dying creature. Arya almost yelled in excitement and lowered his tone as people around him...
Dreams, Thoughts, Creations, Rants and much more...