After a crazy coupla weeks. New workplace, crazy semester at college only meant no time for anything! But, I felt the compulsive need to write. So here goes the penultimate part of The Remains of a Lost Heart. Yep, this tale is gonna end soon. Keep reading. Read and Enjoy this one. Chapter 10 - The Beginning of the End He woke up with a start. He realized that not telling Divya about his past with Nisha could harm the bliss in both their lives. Divya did not demand to know, but, he knew he would feel much better if he told her anyways. He had to look for the right time to bring it up with Divya and tell her. But, the previous night was a real awakening for Arya or so he thought. “Divs, Sweetums wake up. We need to head to meet Professor Comer today morning in his office. So, get ready and gimme a buzz sugar. We’ll head for breakfast and then straight to school.”, Arya mollycoddled. She replied weakly as she tossed and turned on her bed, “Ok dude. Will do. Love ya…See you so...
Dreams, Thoughts, Creations, Rants and much more...