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Showing posts from August, 2012

Innovation's Dead End, Ugly Wars and Funny Investors...

Long time no c... Blogosphere... Tons of changes, crazy number of things happening... You get the drift dontcha...   I have been meaning to write this post for quite a while… I was tickled into writing this one cos I am tired. Tired of what you may ask? Whether or not you do, I am going to go ahead and tell. Google, Apple, Facebook are the only entities that show up in the news these days. Wait, just for the fun of including it I am going to rope in Samsung although they aren't quite the most important thing cos they are not American. Are they for the right reasons and is this much attention even necessary? It some times seems that they are all little teenage gals that are always up to something only for the attention. They even seem to be pulling each others hair out all the time. As for the analogy to little gals don’t get all feminist about it. I just mean the tv and movie kinds. Ok? Why this post and who cares what I write? I am not any bl...